- 'The phone killer' and 'Be quiet heart, leave it part' have been published in an American newspaper!
I have written many poems. These are just the title of some of them and what they are about. Just read below, it might or might not be your cup of tea. After all, poetry is hard and unique.
"To my loving brother" is a poem dedicated to my brother.
"To my sister when I leave home" is a poem dedicated to my sister.
"Our sarcastic future" is a poem about the Snowflake generation.
"I'll be there for you" is dedicated to anyone who is depressed or hurt in any other way.
"Love, respect, help and care for difference, please." is about injustice made by the world.
"Screaming is not enough anymore- I don't know what is" is a poem capturing the emotions and thoughts a child with disabilities might expirience. (Not specific about anyone or any content)
"To my great friend" is a poem about a wonderful friend I had.
"The night's message" is a poem about a dream my sister had.
"Our batman" is a poem about a great friend I have.
"To my treasuring mum" is a poem abouy my kind and robust and amazing mum.
"To Ms. O'Mahoney- Thank you" is a poem dedicated to my teacher who is a good friend of mine.