If you're reading this, I'm dead. It might be because I was protecting my family. Or friends. It might be a mistake made in the field. Or the one thing I would never see coming. I hope I die honorably. I don't know how I'll die. What I do know though, is that it will be for a reason. It will be for someone I love. As time goes on. As time goes on, people will forgot me. My contributions will be forgotten. I wish I could know who was reading this. Then again, I'll probably give this to someone special. I just want you to know the truth. About what my life is like. Because my life is one of a spy. A spy's life is never easy. But it's worth it. It protects not only the people I know and love. It protects my country. And this is what has killed me. But I do know it will be worth it. ~Ellie ElllisAll Rights Reserved