when erratum and his kids fell into undernovela-which erratum is crying of joy-he was shocked and happy at the same time but at the time he wants to avoid getting into drama,so when him and his kids found a place to stay and him got a job,let's just say he will be put in a drama especially when he meets sin who was sent by his boss to help him get a dress for his daughter,while sin was sent to find the dress his eye caught one store,he heard that store before it was rather famous for their clothmaking but especially about the one who made those clothes,he heard that there was a skeleton like himself and was colored onyx,with gold and ruby finger tips,ruby sockets,with one gold on his right and one is sapphire with gold ring around it on his left and sapphire tear marks,so he decided to go to that store and order a dress for his boss daughter,once he got in that store he met face to face with the said designer and needless to say that sin was love sick when he saw the dress maker,and for once in a life time erratum will be having an exciting adventure with his kids in undernovela,that is filled with drama,comedy,romance,a little bit of angst,and other creepy and good contents,and all erratum can do is question his life
note:sin is tall as death from harrish book of fiadd in "cops,robbers,and strippers and error",also he too is the same as nm in "mr.erratum"that he is not in a relationship with toriel
erratum:*backs away*
pax:lord save us all
azurite:*is clinging to pax*y-y-yeah