Goldie Morales loves to write songs. She loves to write music. She does both for her sister Ren Morales. Ren has been dubbed as Hollywood's Princess. Her voice and her words are taking over. When asked who helped her write her song, her reply is "Goose". Goose is Goldie's pen name. She doesn't want to be famous or even want to be in the spotlight. Goldie has lost a lot. She lost someone close to her and decided to be happy with what she has, never want more. When her mom died when she was younger, her mother told her to look out for her father and sister and Goldie has been doing just that. She had no time to put herself first. She did once and someone she loved had died. When Ren becomes the opener for a popular band, The Lights, Goldie begins to learn that maybe it's okay to put herself first sometimes. Now if only Goldie could get the lesson to stick.