Come one, come all! This book has all the bottom Evan your little hearts could ever desire. Tell your friends your family, your dog, or that man standing outside your window with an Irish accent and big mouth! Haha, made ya look, he's actually in your closet, or maybe under your bed.
Requests are available for a certain amount of time, I will say when the requests are done for the time being until I open them again. But any other time is usually my idea dump where I need to get my ideas out or I'll lose them. I only do a few requests. If they are of the same ship and similar concept/idea. This is the first time I'll be writing a Vanoss and co. one shot book since I haven't gotten around to making one to begin with. I've had been meaning to for a long time, but it's here! I mostly do Vancat, but I'll try to be flexible the best I can with the other types of ships.
Watch me fail at writing by making cliché sappy romance stories. I'm total shipping trash by making Evan be the totally adorable owl baby he is meant to be in these, so bear with me.
Delirious: TEDDYBEAR?!?!?!
Author-san: No no Jon, there's no teddy bears here, I was just saying-
Delirious: I WUNNA A TEDDY BWARE!!! *kills Author-san*
Author-san: .......