A collection of short stories that're mostly written in the genre fantasy or sci-fi. Many of these will be prompted responses for a contest or something of that nature, so the updates are slow and random. You have been warned and now enjoy~ ♥(ˆ⌣ˆԅ) 1. Chiphead 2/19/2018 **100 word drabble about freedom** Sheriff Dow is done with his last case, and boy was it a tragedy. A 2-year old girl was convicted of manslaughter for the death of her father. What's even worse? Her mother turned her in... but she didn't have a choice. 2. Life's Next Chapter #FANTASCILove * 500-1000 words, express love and adoration for your readers and followers* 3. A Hedgehog's Day Word count: 500 This poem/ fairytale mix was written for a contest. It's a twist on the old tale between the Tortoise and the Hare. The prompt was: write a short story featuring the elemental battle between Spring and Winter. 4. Rebellion Word count: 98 03/26/2018 Written for a contest hosted by @dystopianapocalypse, this is a 100-word drabble inspired by certain real life events. I'm sure you can figure out what they are. Enjoy~ 5. A Zombie Smile Word Count: 100 03/28/2018 Written for a contest held by @dystopianapocalypse, this is a 100-word drabble about a zombie apocalypse! I hope you enjoy ~ 6. Check-Up Word Count: 99 03/29/2018 Written for a contest held by @dystopianapocalypse, this is a drabble about the outcome of a nuclear catastrophe. In the outcome of Hiroshima, many Japanese developed symptoms of radiation poisoning, Particularly prominent were signs of petechiae - red/purple spots would form under the skin like bruises. 7. Dying Light Word Count: 500 04/14/2018 *Flash Fiction for Aim to Engage* Prompt Day#6: @dystopianapocalypse. Imagine if the sun died, replaced by the Dark Star. There's no light or heat. What would survival look like?