A fanfiction bout ya boy Charles otto Puth. You are Addison. A 21 year old girl from London and - guess what? You have a huge passion for music. When your career kicks off, a million opportunities appear right at your doorstep. But being famous isn't all as it seems, there's a darker side. There's a sex life side like no other and finding love is harder than you could ever have anticipated. Your life is complicated and you can't see it getting much simpler, and as much as you adore it there is something missing. Will you ever be able to discover what that is? Yeet I hope you enjoy this, uH it's kinda just gonna come out my brain so I apologise for any parts that might confuse u lol, I'll try my best. This is my first ever wattpad fanfic, but I've written before on insta 🤙 pls enjoy.Seluruh Hak Cipta Dilindungi Undang-Undang