The Bakurocket!
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  • Parts 11
  • Time 56m
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ALWAYS || Katsuki Bakugo by Azzo00
88 parts Complete Mature
ļ½”ā‹†ļ½”Ėš ŹšĆÆɞ Ėšļ½”ā‹†ļ½” āŠ± š™øšš šš¢šš˜ššž ššŽššŸššŽšš› šššš›ššŠšš‹ šš–ššŽ šš‹šš¢ šššš‘ššŽ ššŒšš˜šš•šš•ššŠšš› šš•šš’šš”ššŽ šššš‘ššŠšš ššŠššššŠšš’šš—, š™ø šš šš’šš•šš• ššŽšš—šš šš¢šš˜ššž ššŠšš—šš šš¢šš˜ššžšš› ššššžššŒšš”šš’šš—šš ššššŽšš—ššŽšš›ššŠšššš’šš˜šš—, š™±ššŠšš”ššžšššš˜ š™ŗššŠššššœššžšš”šš’.āŠ° ... Yoshiko plays cupid for Shinsou and his dream girl, only to lose her best friend. Feeling lonely, she finds comfort in Bakugo, the grumpy and explosive hero-in-training. ... A new girl transfers to class 2-A and Bakugo clashes with her the very moment he lays his eyes on her- it's hate at first sight. Much to his annoyance, she also happens to have a lot in common with him, from his love for victory to his fiery personality and quirk. As much as he loathes her, he finds himself being pulled into her like a magnet. He didn't mean to fall for her. After all, she was just an annoying bitch with a quirk that pissed him off. ļ½”ā‹†ļ½”Ėš ŹšĆÆɞ Ėšļ½”ā‹†ļ½” August 28, 2023: #1 in bakugouxoc December 13, 2023: #1 in bakugoxoc January 1, 2024: #1 in bakugokatsuki ļ½”ā‹†ļ½”Ėš ŹšĆÆɞ Ėšļ½”ā‹†ļ½” Cross-posted on AO3 ļ½”ā‹†ļ½”Ėš ŹšĆÆɞ Ėšļ½”ā‹†ļ½” DÉŖsį“„ŹŸį“€ÉŖį“į“‡Ź€ į¶œįµ’āæįµ—įµƒį¶¦āæĖ¢ Ė¢įµ˜įµįµįµ‰Ė¢įµ—į¶¦įµ›įµ‰ Ė¢įµ—įµ˜į¶ į¶  į¶œįµ’āæįµ—įµƒį¶¦āæĖ¢ įµ‡Ė”įµ’įµ’įµˆ įµƒāæįµˆ į¶ į¶¦įµŹ°įµ— Ė¢į¶œįµ‰āæįµ‰Ė¢ Ė¢Ź·įµ‰įµƒŹ³į¶¦āæįµ ā½įµ‚įµ‰ įµįµ’įµ— į“®įµƒįµįµ˜įµ‡įµƒįµ‡įµ‰ į¶¦āæ Ź°įµ‰Ź³įµ‰ā¾ į“¾Ź°įµ’įµ—įµ’įµŹ³įµƒįµ–Ź°Źø āæįµ’įµ— įµį¶¦āæįµ‰ į“¬Ź³įµ— įµ‡įµ‰Ė”įµ’āæįµĖ¢ įµ—įµ’ įµįµ‰ į“®į“ŗį““į“¬ į¶œŹ°įµƒŹ³įµƒį¶œįµ—įµ‰Ź³Ė¢ įµ‡įµ‰Ė”įµ’āæįµ įµ—įµ’ į“·įµ’Ź°įµ‰į¶¦ į““įµ’Ź³į¶¦įµįµ’Ė¢Ź°į¶¦
DREAM LANTERN || Katsuki Bakugo by Azzo00
77 parts Complete
*.Ā·:Ā·.āœ§ āœ¦ āœ§.Ā·:Ā·.* ā™Ŗ š™»ššŽššššœ šš–ššŠšš”ššŽ ššŠ šš™šš›šš˜šš–šš’ššœššŽ šššš‘ššŠšš šš šš’šš•šš• šš—ššŽššŸššŽšš› ššššŠššššŽ. ā™Ŗ She is the light that brightens his world, the flame that fuels his passion. She is his best friend, his match in power, his formidable foe, and his beloved. ... Growing up with the explosive Katsuki Bakugo, Akira Sano knows him better than anyone else. They share the same dream of becoming heroes at U.A., but they also share a secret crush on each other. How will they handle the sparks between them? *.Ā·:Ā·.āœ§ āœ¦ āœ§.Ā·:Ā·.* Start date: 17/10/2022 Finish date: 19/6/2023 Latest update: 1/7/2023 March 3, 2023: #3 in bakugouxoc April 15, 2023: #2 in katsu April 24,2023: #1 in boomboomboi May 30, 2023: #1 in Katsuki May 30, 2023: #1 in myheroacademia May 30, 2023: #2 in Bakugou June 7, 2023: #2 in Bakugo June 12, 2023: #5 in Fanfic Nov 8, 2023: #1 in BNHA DÉŖsį“„ŹŸį“€ÉŖį“į“‡Ź€ į“µ įµˆįµ’āæįµ— įµ’Ź·āæ įµƒāæŹø įµƒŹ³įµ— ā½į“µ'Ė”Ė” Ė”įµ‰įµ— Źøįµ’įµ˜ įµįµ˜ŹøĖ¢ įµāæįµ’Ź· Ź·Ź°į¶¦į¶œŹ° įµ’āæįµ‰Ė¢ įµƒŹ³įµ‰ įµį¶¦āæįµ‰ā¾ į¶œįµ’āæįµ—įµƒį¶¦āæĖ¢ įµ‡Ė”įµ’įµ’įµˆ įµƒāæįµˆ į¶ į¶¦įµŹ°įµ— Ė¢į¶œįµ‰āæįµ‰Ė¢ Ė¢Ź·įµ‰įµƒŹ³į¶¦āæįµ ā½įµ‚įµ‰ įµįµ’įµ— į“®įµƒįµįµ˜įµ‡įµƒįµ‡įµ‰ į¶¦āæ Ź°įµ‰Ź³įµ‰ā¾ Ė¢įµ’įµįµ‰ Ė¢įµ˜įµįµįµ‰Ė¢įµ—į¶¦įµ›įµ‰ Ė¢įµ—įµ˜į¶ į¶  į“°įµ’āæįµ— įµ‰Ė£įµ–įµ‰į¶œįµ— įµįµ’įµ’įµˆ Ė¢Ź°į¶¦įµ— į“®į“ŗį““į“¬ į¶œŹ°įµƒŹ³įµƒį¶œįµ—įµ‰Ź³Ė¢ įµ‡įµ‰Ė”įµ’āæįµ įµ—įµ’ į“·įµ’Ź°įµ‰į¶¦ į““įµ’Ź³į¶¦įµįµ’Ė¢Ź°į¶¦
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What is Love?

14 parts Complete

It all started when they moved into the dorms. A friendly game of truth or dare gets complicated, and things take a turn for better or worse. What happens when polar opposites are forced to go on a date? Rated T for language cause it's Bakugo. Kacchaotea ship, plus ULTRA! Mostly fluff but it has a side of feels. Also, I toned down Bakugo so it isn't like 50 shades of grey... T rated language cause it's Bakugo. Originally posted on at: