1.A sentimental longing for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations.
They say you can only move on from the past by letting it go, and from then on it shouldn't matter anymore... right? Because I could honestly say that I let it go. I was so sure of it. Never even imagined that I would long for some of those moments. What I could not understand was why was the past confronting me? Now. At this very moment. The moment that would take my life in a direction I had rightfully earned. I deserved happiness, and I finally got it. I would do whatever it takes to keep it. Call me selfish, but after being selfless for so long it was MY turn to be selfish. Hell I deserved that too. Being selfless is part of the reason why I am where I am... and he seemed to be the root of it all.
*this fan fiction was previously published on tumblr by myself*