There were entire families that kept the sword a secret, passing it onto the offspring with every generation. The practice soon stopped when an ancient evil attacked the village it was hidden in. Rumors have it that all but one of the protectors of the sakura blade remain.
"we need to find them!"
"calm down, there's a chance she may not have survived the original attack, and the sakura blade is lost."
"but we have to try! she's out last hope mikage!"
"even if she is still alive, she is too old to fight by now, listen to me kazekiri! there's little chance of the rumors being true."
mikage and kazekiri, the main fighters on the frontlines against this ancient evil have tried hard to push back, but such little of humanity remains at this point, barely any space to make food and the numbers slowly dwindling down into the hundreds. only five hundred remain and now there's only one hope to stop the evil, the sakura blade. Rumors have it that the last of the blades protectors is alive within the walls of society, and has even crafted more weapons to slay the darkness. The evil, black men with weapons of black flames, soulless and listing for blood, has been around for years and has gotten stronger with time.
kazekiri is a boy
mikage is a girl.
hello! I've been gone for a long time haven't I? anyway, my apologies people! this book is going to long and amazing, I hope, in the future if this book ends up like three chapters long ignore me, and this will hopefully be my best book that I finish!
What if Rimuru was instead reborn as a primordial demon; the strongest in combat and intelligence.
He reincarnated just before Star king dragon Veldanava created the omniverse; it was nothing but a void, his soul being exposed just a little to turn null made his soul undergo a change. Making him an individual with a high evolutionary potential