If You Make a Deal With a Shadow...
65 Bagian Lengkap Dewasa"Then why are you associating yourself with him?"
"First off, do not cut me off when I am talking... Second of all, that is none of your business."
"You're the one who came to me, asking me questions!" she yelled defensively.
"Lower your voice," he growled.
"I-I have to go," she turned on her heel and began walking towards Junior's school. He would be getting out soon.
"Wait..." he grabbed her hand. They both pulled back when sparks flew. Payton dismissed it, but Aubrey analyzed him. "I have a proposal," she looked at him questioningly before giving him her undivided attention. "I would like for you to come work for me. As a chef."
"No," she said brusquely. He was toying with her and she'd look like a fool to take his offer.
He didn't know how to really react. All he could do was really stand there and watch her. "At least think about it. Here's my card," he pulled out a card from the inner pocket of his jacket. He also took out a pen and scribbled his personal phone number on it. When he began writing his name at the top she snatched it away.
"I know your name," she said icily. "Everyone does," she then speed-walked down the street and he watched her until she turned the corner.
Aubrey loves to cook, but her dreams fall apart in front of her eyes when she is fired from her job. Determined to provide for her son and finally make her family proud, she takes an offer from a Shadow.
The Shadow will haunt her until she has no choice but to crave for him. He feeds off of her light until his darkness is consumed by it. But does that explains how she fell in love with the Shadow?