These races were very known in the country of Britannia. Each race having their own clans, leaders and territory. Once all these races got along, they were friendly and at peace but the Goddess and Demon Clan started a war, a great war dragging the other three races into the mix. This was titled The Holy War. Ever since the first Holy War, the Goddess and Demon race became hostile toward each other. A law being made stopping Demons and Goddess from falling in love or being friends.
There were a Demon and a Goddess who couldn't care for this law. All both wanted was for wasteful wars to end for good without causing genocide to the other race. When both these people meet over 3,000 years ago they became friends that soon became lovers. Both not caring for the rules or laws were they even married. Because of this marriage, a cursed of immortality was place on them.
After 3,000 years the two finally made their dream become true but it didn't last very long...
~Elizabeth Pov Book~
~Book One~
~Sequel: *To Be Made*~