It's time for school again, after a long, fun and sunny summer break for the students of West Clover High school. WCHS is an extremely gorgeous, huge, and expensive high school located in Canada. Things start with two friends, Jessica Hamptons and Emily Cooper, who have been the best of friends ever since first grade. Jessica has long, wavy light blonde hair. She's very fashionable, and her family is rich because her father owns the business empire called "Micheal's." Emily has long, straight brownish-blonde hair. She loves animals and nature, and she lives in a small but very nice house. Except, she travels a lot. Things are really awkward during the first day back because Jessica is the new queen bee, when all of the years before she was just friends with Emily, and nobody really knew her or bothered to talk to her. Emily comes back to WCHS expecting her and Jessica to meet up and talk all about there summer vacation, but instead, the first things she sees is Jessica and her group of popular friends. What happens next? Will they meet up? What if Jessica forgot about Emily? See what happens in "Popular: Or at least, that's what they call them."Wszelkie Prawa Zastrzeżone
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