20 parts Ongoing "This is the real life -- we don't always get what we want and the destiny can be so heartless, sometimes."
"The hardest part when it comes to love; heart thinks faster than brain."
From urbandictionary.com,
◀ Learning, developing and seeing beauty in all kinds of moments in life no matter how big/small they may be.
◀ Knowing what you're worth, treating yourself like you deserve to be treated.
◀ Simply, just being you and being brave.
◀ Like a lion you know, fight for what you stand for.
◀ A lionheart would never give up on its dreams.
"Setiap orang pasti punya limitnya masing-masing, tapi aku yakin limit kamu gak segini aja, Za. Limit kamu tuh masih jauuuuh banget, bahkan masih deketan Capella, Sirius sama Arcturus daripada limit kamu."
"Berarti berapa tahun cahaya limit yang aku punya?"
"Hmm, 777.777 tahun cahaya? Lebay banget gak? Betelgeuse yang 13.000 kali lebih terang dari matahari aja cuma 1400 tahun cahaya."
nnrslnty, 2016