Dear Ricky,
It's been two months without you, already. I'm slowly dying on the inside. I never got to hold your hand and take you out to nice places, I never got the chance to call you mine, or the chance to treat you like a completely spoiled King. All because of my mistake.
I still hear the voices echoing throughout my beaten-up mind. The ones that most likely messed up your head forever? The gun shots, the police yelling throughout the building.. everything that happened that night.
I could still remember your body tightly pressed to mine in the last minutes we were allowed to share together. You were crying, and I was rocking you back and forth in my arms. Back then, you never knew how I felt for you. The kiss we shared? I made you believe you were drugged. I kissed you, because I feel something for you; but I made a huge mistake, and I never got the chance to tell you how much you really meant to me.
I messed up, Ricky. I hope you'll get this. I can't come home now, but I'll be home with you before you know it. I'll be able to hold your small, fragile body in my arms. I don't know if you feel the same about me. You were in such a haze the night I left, I couldn't make out what you were saying, at all. It's all a blur, now, but I remember what you said to me that night. I cherished those words every second that I've been gone, hoping to see you soon.
I swear to you, Richard Porter Dillon. I will be home soon.
With love,
Kian Lawley.
❝You thought you'd just walk out of that place with a perfect life served to you on a golden platter? Think again, Lawley.❞
This is a story about a girl named Kate and her "adventures" of being a youtuber. Her best friend, Andrea, and her have been traveling and they are good friends with O2L... Everything was good, BETTER than good...Then something happens... Kate has to decide... Does she like Connor as a friend, or MORE than a friend?? Will Andrea help her?? Why is her life so hard?? U say... Maybe her family... Maybe her friends?? Maybe even someone in O2L?????