"But it didn't matter if she loved me, or hell, even if she liked me. All I know what that I got to rapidly push myself into her and get the closes I could possible could. And I knew she liked this aditude, even if I gave her shit, even if she turned her back sometimes, she loved that I could scream at her then have her legs spread open and her saying, moaning my name over and over and over again within an hour. She loved that I would come home pissed off because, some douche would yell at me, and I took it out on the dishes. She's smile and pick it up. And yes she's mine, but I don't care if she loves me, or hell, even if she likes me.. But let it be know that if you so fucking touch a single hair on her body I will rip your every limb one by one off of your body." I spit out to Max, why couldn't he get the point? Lilian's mine, mine mine mine! If I have to bash this dicks head in one more time so be it. I'm the only one who can see Lilian's bare chest, I'm the only one who hears her nagging voice in the morning telling me 'Harry your making me sweat.', I'm the only one who can call her mine.. So. Back. The. Fuck. Up. "But harry she's my best fried?" That's it. I only see red.