Can You brew a Stopper of Love? Severus Snape {Complete}
18 Bölüm Tamamlanmış Hikaye Yes, I am quite Happy being alone. My Fifth year at Hogwarts is dreadful. But what can I do? Pretend to Fall in love with a teacher who has an unhealthy eye on me, Like Severus Snape the potions master? That's what I should just do. I'm the only Gryffindor who thinks Harry Potter is a slick git even if we are friends, after him confessing to having a crush on me, then having a boy with bright red hair, follow me around in order to make sure i'm not hit on. Umbridge, is here, I must not tell lies but I do know she is dreadful. I don't remember anything about my parents, or family, whatsoever, I have no clue why, But I don't remember anything until I was Eleven and that's when I came to Hogwarts, with a scar on my wrist that burnt and pierced occasionally. It was the shape of a 'V' . Now, everything changes.. I just need to know how to brew a stopper of love.
All Rights Reserved to the ugly TERF J.K Rowling, along with the story line and characters except for Thalia and other various self-created characters