Welcome traveler. You must've gotten lost in the vast multiverse and stumbled into this hidden au. What is this place you ask? Well this is Remnanttale my friend. An au tucked away from existence. Hidden from Nightmare and Error for very good reasons. Though your not here for story's. Hmm? Your willing to listen to some tales? Whats that? Oh! My spikes are glowing orange?! T-That's a story- I-I m-mean it's nothing! What?! I'm blushing!? Uhgggg! That's off topic. Anyway I may as well tell you a story. You might be here for a while. Well I may as well tell you about a tale rarely mentioned around here. Let me tell you the tale of Hatewing and how she endangered countless aus including this one... Mild language. Most of it being in ciphers. All characters belong to their respective ownersAll Rights Reserved