A Decade ago,Arnav Singh Raizada and Asad Ahemed Khan,heirs to famous business tycoons of the country, turned from best friends to enemies overnight, due to a fateful mishap.On the mission to avenge the haunting wounds of the past, they find themselves come face to face with the twists of Fate, Destiny ,Love and Hate as they are forced to make the choices,that will write the story of their Love and Life.
Khushi Ahemed Khan and Zoya Singh Raizada have been secretly living together in London, rekindling the love and bond that once existed between their families. A sudden event, forces them to lie to their brothers about the true identity of their best friend, and the four hearts finally come face to face in the Desperate Kingdom of Love.
They say Love conquers all, but will Love ever be able to blossom in the hearts that have been cast under a spell of hatred and revenge??Will Arnav-Khushi,Asad-Zoya,be strong enough to make the journey through lies, betrayals, and pain to reach the destination of Love, their heart desperately seeked?
The day meant to be the best day of her life had turned out to be the worst one.
Celebration of love and harmony, which the night was supposed to be, ended up as the witness to bloodshed and hatred.
With the stench of corpses choking her and the sight of mutilated bodies shattering her, Khushi stood benumbed, decked up in exquisite bridal finery, and the signs of a newly married woman shining brightly against her paled demeanor and the blood which had splayed against her; the blood of her own, maybe of her own father.
Her father's lifeless body was strewn across several others and her mother's breathing yet lost body hovered over his; her hollow and teary eyes pleading him to rise and embrace her but her efforts were in vain.
But that was not the only agony killing her from inside. The affliction of betrayal, from her own husband, on the wedding day, after reiteration of his love from the passionate ministrations on their first night together, felt like the worst nightmare coming true.
From the pieces of her broken heart, the resolve to avenge arose and Khushi Gupta was not the one to let her heart's desire be unheard.
Deceit for a deceit, eye for an eye, heart for a heart, so what if the world ends or goes blind? After all, all is fair in love and war and Arnav Singh Raizada had turned her love into the inspiration for a bloody war.
~Stab the body and it heals, but injure the heart and the wound will last for a lifetime.~
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