"I did love you, i really did. But it got boring after a while. Well, you got boring. What was I supposed to do? Put up with a boring wife until the day i die?" he said staring at his wife of 4 years with emotionless eyes, just watching as she tears up and begs him to love her the same way he did when they started dating.
"You've changed B.I. Why? I had always love you. We have been married for 4 years, why do you want to start now?! Why didn't you do it when we were fresh and new?! Why didn't you hurt me then?!" She screams at him with anger and hurt in her voice as her husband stands in front of their happily wedding picture covered in another girl's perfume and kiss marks.
-Choi Lin
- Kim Habin Aka B.I
#This is my first Story, so please forgive me if it isn't good.
It will be a while for me to update chapters, so please please wait for me and please please be patient ❤️
{- BiBi❤️}.