If you are looking for an ultra happy story this is not the book for you. Again if you are looking for a super sad story this is also not the book for you. But if you are okay with somewhere in the middle, just like life then I guess this book would do. But it's just my humble opinion and I also happen to be the author of the book. 😁😁 This is basically the story of a girl who is not pretty or beautiful on the outside. We all heard stories where the boy is pretty af and the girl is either extremely hot or she is but she doesn't know it until the guy tells her that. No shade thrown , I personally have nothing against these stories, but I always wondered what would happen if the girl was not anything like that. Would the guy still fall in love with her? So this is the story where the girl is just a girl with no high cheekbones, no dashingly fit figure and definitely not the girl everyone secretly tries to date. Hope you like it.