this one isn't about larry, or any ship, or any romance at all, nothing like that. this one is about something really big that happened to the writer of it, something i'll always carry with me and never forget. it is 100% a true story, the entire thing just word for word of what happened in 2015, and even carried on for years after, almost to the present day. even if you came here expecting larry, i suggest you give this one a try, and not so i can get reads and views and favorites, i don't care about that. i'm just hear to share my story, to educate people and possibly find others who have a similar story, because i've never met anyone before who has a story like mine. enjoy.
What Started As A Competition Entry Is Now My Life [DISCONTINUED]
19 parts Complete
19 parts
Listen... I have no life so I spend my time writing gay romances and putting them in this book. I do anime, books, YouTubers, and even video games. I try to stay within what I am familiar with so sorry if I fail you . I run this book off of my readers and their requests so I depend heavily on your opinions. I promise my writing is not as bad as it was in 2014.