This is a story inspired by Alex's Sims 4 series(the new one). Anyways, we all know what happened to Lily right? She got taken away to the authorities from not being cared enough. Everyone is miserable and sad from that tragic moment. But, we also know that it was when Daisy was still a baby when that happened. So here is a fanfic I was thinking of writing about(The main point if story starts at next paragraph). Daisy is known to be the daughter of Denis. Soon, when she was 6 years old, she had found a photo lying in the middle of Alex's room. It was a photo of him and another girl. Obviously she didn't know who she was so she just assumed it was a random person. Then later she overheard Sketch talking to Theo(if I spelled or got the name right; the 'supposed to be nanny') talking about the same girl in the picture. Then she realized something about her. Daisy has a sister! But, she was taken away by the authorities for not being taken care of enough. A few years passed by and she was in middle school. Daisy still was thinking who her sister could be until she bumped into someone. "Move it kid!" Said that person. Read to find out what happens in the story.All Rights Reserved