THIS will not be that cliche AU you have read 1000 times as this time are beloved rampion crew will be... teachers! (it isn't high school if you are wondering, I'm British) Thorne- PE teacher (asks kids to call him Captain for reasons unknown) Cress- Music teacher with a degree in computing Cinder- Engineering teacher (amputee) Kai- Headteacher (who is somewhat incapable) Scarlet- that food technology teacher kids wish did NOT own knives Wolf- the caretaker everyone is scared of at first but is,in reality a cinnamon roll Jacin- the art teacher (in reality he only teaches kids how to do clay pots "mr clay we did this last year" ''quiet! the prestigious art of pot teaching is not something to be learnt in a day, nor is it to be questioned!'' Winter- Art teacher (the only person who can get Jacin to teach something other than pottery) Iko- the secretary who ships everyone relentlessly and changes students schedules to do so ''hmm.. they're cute together... lets say they have... ALL THEY'RE CLASSES TOGETHER OMG SO CUTE'' Other staff members will be introduced later onAll Rights Reserved