The beginning where it all started for Station 51 Station 51 has just been built the guys are married with children The Characters: Roy &wife Rebecca (Becca) 3 children twins boy & girl Roy Jr. (R.J.)& Molly 6 & daughter Jennifer 2 months Johnny & wife Kristen (Kris) 2 children 2 sons Johnny Jr. (J.R.) 8 & Christopher(Chris) 7 Kristen is pregnant (Johnny knows it's a girl) is he correct?? Captain Stanley & wife Helen married 4 children 2-boys 15 &16-2 girl's 12& 10 Brice married wife Bertha 2 children 2 girls 3yr old twins Brooke & Bridget wife is pregnant with a son due June Mike married wife Jaime 3 children a 7 yr old daughter Norah Jane & 1& 1/12 yr old twins boy James Micheal & girl Michelle Jolene & Jaime is pregnant ?or?Jaime & Norah say it's a boy? Marco married 2 children a Boy 5 & girl 3 Chet Married( wife deceased) 2 girls 5 yrs.old Maria & Mía -Cher( Chet girlfriend) Dr. Brackett & Dixie Brackett 1 son Robert Jr. (Bob) 21 student at local college (studying to be a dr.) Works at Rampart with parents May add characters as story is progressed ? Mikes' parents Sue (maw-maw) & Micheal Charles (pops) Jaimes' parents who live in Colorado Jacob Samuel (grandpa) & Michelle Jane(mimi) Beccas mom (Rebecca (grams) dad( Thomas Wesley) step mom (Elizabeth Dawn)( grammy) Johnny mom (Sadie Marie) dad (Johnathan Roderick) Roy mom (Connie Renee) dad (Roy James)All Rights Reserved