(This story takes place after the game, Batman: Arkham Knight): After Millionaire Play-Boy, Bruce Wayne is presumed dead after the destruction of Wayne Manor, and Batman mysteriously vanishes from Gotham's existence afterwards, Gotham City appears to be left without a hero. Young Brin Londo (In an alternate universe where he was born in the 20'th Century instead, in Gotham City) is left in fear and hesitation, because despite being a Metahuman, he never wanted to become the "hero" of Gotham, he just wanted to live out an entirely normal-life. However, when all the outlaws previously locked-up in GPD are busted out, and released back into the streets of Gotham: Brin Londo might not have a choice. Though, Brin Is not the only one in Gotham who might have to put his life-on-the-line in the near future. Sure, alone, he may never live up to Batman's legacy, but united, Gotham may live to see another night.