If you've read The Adventures of Some Creepy Friends and have been curious on the characters, this is the series to read. Find out the true backstory behind Rei, Charlie, and all their friends, how they met, and all the things they've done together.
(Bere in mind, the original has each person with their own font, since Wattpad doesn't have fonts, a letter will indicate the character speaking: R=Rei, C=Charlie, O=Olive, T=Teacher.)
WARNING: This book is an original draft at the moment. Nothing in this book is set in stone as of right now. Any changes ever added to.an already posted chapter(s) will be followed by another chapter labeled "UPDATE" with the name(s)/number(s) of any and all chapters that were updated. Bear in mind, these updates will only include story changes, not grammar or spelling changes. If a character is renamed, appearance/attitude changed, or anything of usefulness to the story, that WILL be an update. Also, this book will be introducing a world of my own and will NOT feature CreepyPasta.
All rights to this book, including but not limited to: the story, the characters, etc. are ALL owned by Myself. Anyone who wishes to use a character or creature ever referenced in this book will have to contact me via email at: CreepyFriends69@gmail.com