I wiped the tear that was rolling down my face. "Do you hear me talking to you? I miss you". I ignored Dylan's lie and kept staring down at the floor. "I need you". Another tear rolled down my face."I miss you". I was tired of hearing his lies. "GET OUT!"."Why? Don't you love me?".I ignored his question and did the one thing that would make him leave, I snatched off his necklace that he gave me and threw it to the floor.It was half of a heart that said 'I Love', Dylan has the other half that says 'You'."Really Ashley!You dump me and now you break my heart.BOTH OF THEM!". "Get out Dylan!".He waked to my room door and paused "You're Forever Mine and i'll always love you, no one can love you like I can.NO ONE!"and he stormed out of my house and probably out of my life forever.All Rights Reserved