Why, Mother...
In this poignant coming-of-age novel, a young girl yearns for freedom from the suffocating grasp of her overprotective mother. Her home, though filled with love, feels like a cage where every choice is made for her, and every dream is overshadowed by her mother's expectations. Desperate for a life of her own, she grapples with the emotional tug-of-war between the desire for independence and the fear of losing the only family she has ever known.
As she battles to break free, she uncovers buried truths about her mother's past, and slowly begins to understand the complex web of love, fear, and control that binds them together. But will that understanding bring them closer, or will she have to walk away for good to reclaim her life?
A powerful tale of family, freedom, and self-discovery, Why, Mother... explores the bittersweet journey of growing up and the cost of finding your own path.
The One-shots revolve around the journey of a devoted single father navigating the complexities of parenthood and his deepening bond with his sons.
Each story highlights the unique challenges and heartwarming moments they share, capturing the essence of love, resilience, and the unbreakable ties of family.
If you are interested, please check it out. I hope you enjoy it.