Caution: this story is not for people under the age of thirteen.. may be mature for some people, so read at your own risk... Katie is a paparazzi. She has been since she was fourteen and it's all she knows how to do well. She never new love or how to show it and it allowed her to be the cold-hearted pap she is. That doesn't mean that's all she ever wants to be. Her current assignment is Harry Styles and all she has to do is ruin his reputation. Sounds easy right? You'd think a teenage boy like him could ruin his own reputation righ? Not so much... How can you ruin someone with a seemingly perfect image? Well, she has to figure out for herself. After a few close calls, outbursts of rage, jealousy and a lot of decisions, can she resist Harry's undeniable charm or will she be trapped in his love spell forever?