In the distant future, society has toppled into ruin, leaving small settlements of humanity's last survivors clinging the strongest force, the Contingency. A hierarchy of future soldiers bent on restoring order to the world, no matter how corrupt, rumors of a biological super weapon force them to rely on their most valued asset: the Knightingale, Michiko Wakahisa. From a fatal three-way between a vengeful cyborg and a mysterious man known only as The Hound, to a vicious clan warfare between tech-obsessed zealots and the savage "Neon Genocids", the After-World offers no quarter for the weak, and hope of survival to none.
(Author's Note: This was written years ago, back when I was in high school. The original draft had to be rewritten and a lot of ideas were mixed up and out of order. I'll try my best to make sense of the story I left behind.)
Season 4 of The Virus Within
Trinity is familiar with zombies, being one herself, but when strange zombies start appearing, she realizes that the world she knew might be changing yet again.
When a dangerous set of scientific notes are discovered, Trinity and her friends don't realize anything is wrong until a frantic radio call comes in. Unaware of the notes, they race to the south and struggle to determine where the strange zombies came from. The zombies are unlike any ranks previously seen, and they aren't as predictable. Some have new tricks hidden up sleeves, forcing any Stronghold they encounter to quickly adapt to the new challenge or risk being overrun. Secrets never remain hidden, and zombie apocalypses never make life easy.