Hey! Down here! No, down. Yes, all the way down. Keep going. Almost, and... Yeah, hi! Uh... Say "Cheese!"
This is a picture + (super) short story + notes compilation book for those with a liking for extreme size differences aka G/t (giant/tiny), macro-/microphilia, etc. For every story/excerpt, it has an inspired picture/photo manipulation I've made.
Varying sizes, varying themes. Smaller folk will be carried and found. Bigger folks will be ogled and judged immensely, pun intended. Part sweet, part trash, all me.
(Cover made with Adobe Spark)
(Find more pics without captions on my DeviantArt, Tumblr, and Twitter pages.)
A series of g/t (giant x tiny) fluff and sfw oneshots that might also contain vore, digestion and other adult topics. Visit my other book for smutty content :3
Content I might also visit includes:
-Predator x prey
-Shrinking or growing
-gt fanfiction
Cover not mine btw
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Indulge :3