An imperfect girl, from A Perfect town.
cast out, sent away, and now eight years later
murder, civil war and fear
causing her to return.
This imperfect girl, in a no longer perfect town,
where a forbidden romance
will change her story and reveal this imperfect
girl as the only perfect thing in this imperfect town.
This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Riverdale world, which is trademarked by the CW. All characters from the series are created and owned by the CW, and I do not claim any ownership over them or the world of Riverdale. The story and situations I am creating are a work of my imagination and I do not ascribe them to official story canon. This work is intended for entertainment outside of the original story line owned by The CW. I receive no financial profit from the creation/publication of this story. And lastly, thank you to The CW and the writers/creators/producers of Riverdale, for without their contribution to the world of Riverdale, my story would not exist.
DO YOU WATCH RIVERDALE? DO YOU SHIP BUGHEAD? If so here's a book for you!
I know you all love Riverdale! So what's liking Riverdale without shipping Bughead? Exactly!
The king was dead.
And the new president Nick Saint Claire of The Royal Estates was anything but a monster, a cold-blooded monster that was going to steal everything from all of his citizens because he just could.
The citizen's money was taken, taxes were raised and homes were burnt to the ground... Everyone was poorer than ever before as the king was longing for money and oh no he wouldn't stop there.
And that was how the story of Bughead began as they were the only ones that could possibly take down the killer in the thrown.