45 de părți Complet Hi. My names Lizzie, I'm 19 and I have no friends what so ever. Why? Because I'm an outcast. No one seems to like the way I dress or the music I listen to. All through high school I had death threats posted in my locker as well as on them, I was pushed and tripped, and so on. The list goes on forever. I've come to the fact that no one will ever love me, not even my own family. My parents ignore most of the time I'm home and give all their attention to my 16 year old sister, she's the perfect daughter I could never be for them. Although I got straight A's at school, and she's getting B/C's, she's the most popular girl at the school, something I could never be.
I don't let all this stop me from going to concerts, oh no. Going to concerts of my favourite bands are the only time I feel like I fit in. That was until I went to a Black Veil Brides concert in Los Angeles, California. A group of kids decided to surround me during Black Veil Brides set, they would call me names, and occasionally shout stuff out to the band. But then they take it to the next level. They hit me.
So read this story if you dare to find out more about my shitty life, why everyone hates me. But most of all, what happens after the Black Veil Brides concert.
(This is a story I have recently started posting on Mibba.)