This is a story that my friend, Julia Griggs wrote. She is very talented and I would love to give her some positive feedback. Love Is Love
Since Cass met Bree she had finally accepted the fact of being bi, or since she's met Bree possibly lesbian but was she ready for it? For love? For whatever this was? No one is ever ready for love but as scary and wonderful as it is, it's hard to find. But cass had found it, although she hadn't completely realised it. Cass has read hundreds of books on what love was what it felt like, how it was always between male and female how it was this perfect feeling that no one could quite describe, so why was she so terrified? She was somewhat scared because how would she ever know if Bree felt the same way, but mostly she was wondering why every book she had ever read about love and relationships was a male and a female every movie every song every quote. Why? She was so much more happier loving someone of the same sex and how magical it was, so why doesn't anyone write about it? But in that moment she didn't care love was love, male to male female to female female to male, all the same whether it was Casses love or anyone else's, so in that moment while cass and Bree were sitting in Bree's dads car, staring up at the millions of stars, thinking about the millions of kinds of love she looked over at Bree, her eyes twinkling and thought about something she had been thinking about for so long and finally it felt right so she looked over, and she didn't care what all the books or songs or quotes said because it didn't matter to her anymore she was rewriting everything she had ever read about love because that was someone else's love, this was her love. she whispered "I love you Bree". Because Love is love and this is the story of my love.