Veronica Lodge-16-year old socialite, sassy, bold, a bit delusional about her parents' underhanded schemings involving fair Riverdale. That is, until word gets out about all the sins her family has committed. The town does not spare Hiram Lodge's little girl from their wrath, and the taunts become to much for her to bare. Her boyfriend Archie, has lost common sense, and is now another minion of Hiram's master plan. Betty, Kevin, Jughead, and everyone else have all turned their backs on her after an incriminate expose has come out. What's a girl to do except leave town, and try to start anew? Where will she go? Abroad? To Milan? Or how about an unknown village she's never even heard of, to start anew and try once more to reform her bad girl ways?
Nathan Park -17 year old villager, polite, easy-going, simple, loved by everyone in the village, hard-working, cares about his younger sister Lena, and his elderly grandmother, he was once a callous young man before moving to Taegu. He's changed in many ways, but if there's one thing he can't stand for one specific reason it's spoiled rich people. When Veronica arrives in his village, sticking out like a sore thumb with her designer handbag and heels, he wants nothing to do with her.
Camila Mendes as Veronica Lodge
Charles Melton as Nathan Park
Occasional appearances by other Riverdale characters as themselves.