After the battle with Entity, Team Crafted thought that they could afford some chilling and relaxing time, at least, for a while. After all, they have earned it, right?
No, not really.
With the return of Herobrine's nemesis, and the resurfacing of several powerful entities, they were having their hands full already, but again, things had to get worse. The return of a race of slimy creatures, the enemies of the SkyArmy, threatens Sky and the team more than ever, as Sky learns the truth behind his foster parents, the great monarch of the Budder Kingdom.
The Devil's cult is spreading, foretelling the end of the world, the twilight of the gods themselves. Yes, even gods fall.
A dark secret, a dangerous enemy, a forgotten child, and an uncertain future, the stakes are higher than ever, as the end approaches.
Every story, every world has its end. Even Norse mythology foretold of its doomsday, Ragnarok, and now, the same thing is going to happen.
So much for the Devil's Revenge. Join Team Crafted, Herobrine, and the others as they put their lives on the line, only to save the world they live in and had learnt to love, from its destruction.
But will it be enough?
After a weird meet up with some of Minecraftia's most feared bosses, Sky goes missing. When he returns, he makes a... Fashionable statement. Join Team Crafted and The Sky Army as they face their worst threat yet...
One of their own
Cover by @falloutfandoms