In a far away town, lived a girl full of hope with beauty beyond imagination and an intelligence beyond words. Scratch that. Honestly, these fairytales need to be a little more honest. Especially since there are a whole lot of children, boys and girls imagining their future based on these stories only for it to come crashing down when they grow up. Because lets face it. Life is not a bed of roses and its not going to be. No matter how many motivation books you read or the number of youtube videos you watch, procrastination is still going to be your first next choice and you are never gonna be as famous as that. I figured that out first hand. Now you should stop if you are not willing to face the truth. This book is not going to motivate you be a new person. It is just going to point out the things you are avoiding. And no. I am not perfect, and never will be. Most of the things stated here are things that took me years to face on my own. Some even I haven't been able to get over. My 20 years of living in this world has not been the worst but it has not been the best either. I mean who can honestly sit down and say they have the best life ever. Even the rich kids have something they can't have. But just because what I have faced is not major it does not mean it is not a story worth telling. And although my problems may not be other major problems faced by others such as poverty or famine, that does not mean my list is empty. So those are my words of caution. Only proceed if you are willing to face the harsh truth and are not planning to judge. Because honestly? If you are, I don't really care.All Rights Reserved