After the catastrophic Burning, a teen named Lilith fights for her freedom from the clan that reclaimed her after her entire family was lost. They see her as inferior, a troubled child, and she's kept captive like their lives depend on it. Because maybe they do. Treated with anything less than respect, she is extremely lucky to find a friend in the clan. To find a friend is to find hope. Hope of escaping. She sometimes hears whispers about a curse, about the dragons who scorched their cities and homes, who kills millions of people. Then, she'll get glances or even stares, looks that hold so much pure hatred. Lilith (Lili) doesn't know how she could've upset so many people so badly; she hadn't even known them a year ago. Before... The dragons hold the power to completely annihilate the human race, but no one knows why they haven't already. Nobody knows where they are now of where they came from. In her heart, Lili feels like the beasts have the knowledge she seeks. They did, though, kill her family, so revenge may be on her mind, too. Revenge against the rest of the mangled humanity, like the torturous clan. Then, revenge against the dragons. With a newly lit flame, Lilith sets out with a plan. At this point, she believes in destiny---not happy endings. Sincerely, Willow M.M.All Rights Reserved
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