Here I was face to face with a stranger. A stranger I knew all too well; so well in fact that I didn't know her at all. At this point you're probably already confused, as to be expected, no one ever understands what I'm trying to say so why in the world would I expect you guys too. Sorry. That was off topic; anyways, this girl I'm referring to, she's actually me. I'm looking in the mirror trying to understand exactly who this person is and how in the world did she take my place?
Now unlike a lot of stories where at the end of the story the main character has figured everything out and says something like "this isn't the end, it's only the beginning", or "the rest is yet to be decided, but we'll figure it out as we go", or something of that nature. Oh, come on you know the kind of stories I'm talking about. Absolutely nothing wrong with them, I'm actually a huge fan... fairytale stories like that take me to my happy place, there's just one problem... IT DOESN'T HAPPEN LIKE THAT IN REAL LIFE! So I'm going to tell you upfront before you dive in and take this journey with me; nothing is figured out, it is the beginning, of what I do not know, and we will literally figure this out as we go. There's no telling where we're going to end up, but hey enjoy the ride ;).