Violet Stark saw it all. By saw it i all i mean she saw her loving, caring, father go off to "handle something" and come back with even more PTSD than he already had, Ste-Captain America's shield,and her uncle Rhodes crippled. Now she's gone from staying up because she was binge watching Gossip Girl, to staying up because she refuses to sleep until her father does,or at least until she passes out. Violet stark has had to hide the liquor so her father doesn't drink himself to death and sneak sleeping pills into his breakfast so he'll get at least a few hours of sleep that isn't caused because of how much he drank. And who does she blame? Not James Buchanan Barnes, no, her and her father agreed that it wasn't his fault, she blames Steve Mother Fucking Rogers. So when her father says he invited him and his team to stay at the tower, well, she has a few issues being even remotely friendly to anyone other than her Uncle Rhodes, her father, and surprisingly, Bucky Barnes.
|§| After civil war, but before anything that came after, including , Thor: Ragnarok, Infinity War, etc. |§|
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
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