Everyone in Westeros is aware of the legendary Sword of the Morning, Arthur Dayne, but many do not know about his young daughter, Ashara Dayne. When Arthur was standing guard at the Tower of Joy in Dorne, he met Jynessa, a lower Martell. It was here that Jynessa became pregnant, and, wanting to protect her honor as well as wanting the child to carry his name, Arthur married Jynessa and sent her to Starfall, despite his vows taken as a member of the Kingsguard. There, in Starfall, Ashara was born, with Jynessa dying during the birth. With her father slain and her aunt jumping to her death, she was raised until the age of six by her other aunt, Allyria. When she turned six, she was sent to Bear Island as a ward to ensure that Starfall would not rebel against the throne again. Now sixteen, another war in Westeros is arising. Will Ashara find her place?