Error- The God of Destruction
His job was misunderstood. He destroyed to keep the balance, but soon, with all the hate he got, Error just quit.
Ink- The God of Creation
His job was loved. He created worlds and brought life to new people. He was loved by all, and wouldn't ever trade away his life.
One day, Error didn't show up to stop Ink from creating a new AU.
Ink, not really interested in what possible thing Error was 'planning', didn't mind it.
Then everything started to get worse...
Ink called out his friends, Dream and Blue.
Ink liked Dream on the team because he was the brother to Nightmare. Ink likes having Blue since he was very good at spotting the weaknesses of their enemies, especially Error.
Blue was kidnapped by Error. Ink took him away, and every time him and Error fought, the question 'Why did you take him?' came up. Ink questioned Error this every time they saw one another.
Error claimed he wanted someone other than a puppet to talk to. Ink knew Error never hurt Blue - which he found strange - but rather he took care of him.
Error asked Ink the same question. Ink merely replies with 'You'll hurt him, psycho, so I brought him home.'
Then... They found him, or rather... What was left of him...
Ink was shocked.
Dream was scared.
Blue was devastated.
The AUs were ecstatic.
But then...
Everything started going downhill.
Ink realized why Error did what he did.
Dream left.
Blue went into depression.
A murderer, psycho, selfish... Error knew he was all of these things and more, but the one thing he wished he had heard from someone, was friend.
A friend of Error's, maybe the only one, had stollen Error's jacket and cherished it, waiting for him to return.
"When Are You Coming Home?" They would ask as they stared up at the stars, never to realize that the one they were looking for was gone, and never returning.
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
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