~~ ON HOLD ~~
The Empire is finally defeated and Night Raid moves in seperated ways, everyone going in their own direction, looking for a better life in the world full of monsters and villains. But of cours ... this cannot be the end of the story just yet.
Maybe the main enemy trully is gone but there still are people that agreed with him, then and now, and will try anything to bring back the sistem Night Raid and the Revolutionary Army despised.
When that happens, old team has to come together once again, to stand behind what they think is right.
I will try to publish often, but unfortunately i have school right now so i can't make any promisses. Pleas, if anyone will be reading, forgive me.
✒Old and new character in partly old and partly new story.✒
?This story is as a fanfic based on anime/manga series called AKAME GA KILL and most of the caracters are based on the original story, but i added a few and changed some of the originals a little for my story. I hope you like it!?
⚠There is no need in knowing the original story, i will do my best to explain everything while writing.⚠