The year is 2029, and a war across South and North America has torn the countries apart. The Federation, a group of Spanish soldiers led by Ghost- gone-rogue Gabriel Rorke, is trying to wipe the Ghosts out. Permanently. And two young soldier brothers are his main target. 29-year-old David "Hesh" Walker and his 27-year-old younger brother Logan Walker watched Rorke murder their father in front of them. The many pits of Hell Rorke's thrown them into, they always managed to climb out. With three other Ghosts by their sides, 29-year-old Keegan Russ, 38-year-old Thomas Merrick, and 35-year-old Kick Clien, the Walkers are ready to take on Rorke. But, as things start to get dicier, the brothers find that as their world around them breaks down, their lives are growing to be in farther and farther danger. Soon, they may not have the Ghosts to protect them. Soon, they might not even have each other.