In the magical country of Fiore, it is divided up by two kingdoms; the Northern Kingdom and the Southern Kingdom. Both kingdoms are ruled by evil wizards, according to the books. Although the citizens of both kingdoms never met the kings, they just get bad auras from the castles. The wizards used to be close friends, but now they loathe each other. It is said that the first-born princess of the Northern Kingdom holds great power, greater than both wizards combined. But, no one knows where she is except the Northern king and queen, who is also no where to be found. This is why the Southern king wants to find her, kill her, and take her power. Minori Minatozaki, a young woman, lives with her mother and five siblings in the outskirts of Magnolia, the royal city of the North. She can use magic just like anyone else. Her mother, Mana Minatozaki, has a secret that she has hidden from her children. But then, Minori and her five siblings decided to go on a journey to become stronger. Will they come back safely? Who will they meet on the way? Will everything be the same when they come back? Read "Lost in the Dream" to find out.