35 parts Complete Ariya Frazier, a seemingly ordinary high school student navigating the bustling streets of New York, is plagued by unsettling dreams. Vivid, terrifying, and increasingly real, these dreams reveal a world beyond her comprehension - a world of magic and ancient prophecies. As the line between dream and reality blurs, Ariya discovers that they are more than mere fantasies, but glimpses of a parallel existence just out of reach of her own.
Her awakening unleashes a dormant power within her, a power that draws the attention of a clandestine organization known as 'the Covenant.' These masked killers, fueled by dark ambition, see Ariya as the key to unlocking unimaginable power and will stop at nothing to make it their own.
As Ariya grapples with her newfound abilities and the terrifying reality of her destiny, she is forced to confront the darkness that encroaches upon her life. Her journey leads her through a labyrinth of ancient secrets, perilous encounters and heart-wrenching choices. The fate of two worlds rests on her shoulders, pushing her to the brink of her limits. Will she be able to control the power surging within her, or will she succumb to the clutches of the Covenant?
**First book in series complete**