Have you ever felt like your not good enough for your parents, friends, or even your boyfriend/ girlfriend? Well I can tell you this, you'll probably understand me a little bit at time some of you. Others, not so much... Remi Joyce Miller, a blunt, imperfect, reflective, sensitive, and idealistic girl who has hopes of being a song writer some day. Maybe even a singer in her case. Ever since she was a little 8 year old squirt, she has always dreamed of being a famous and in hopes of sharing her voice with others. Yet she can't, because her mother won't let her. Karen Parker Miller, a mother of a beautiful, kind, and graceful daughter. A successful New York designer who has off the roof market sales. Fashion shows in Paris, London, Australia, and even Asia. She expects her daughter to become a world famous Instagram model so she can model her designs on the runway. Fame and money is all she wants Remi to be happy with, but she isn't. After multiple times of crushing her dreams of being a song writer, she has finally convinced her to move to LA and stay there for her next fashion lines. After she settles in LA, she will be modeling for little sketch designs that her mother designed for her. With little money to feed herself and her dog Coco, the only option for Remi is to work at a coffee shop. Until, she meets a boy that she will never forget. "I know it's not a big job, but it's a start. Besides, I need the money." ~Remi "What have I raised you to become? An immature, insecure, imbecile?!" ~ Karen "I feel like a different person with you. Your different from others and that's what I like about you." ~Jack "Amazingly Unique." ~Jonah "Don't worry about what your mom wants from you, just be happy." ~Corbyn "Your special and you know it." ~Daniel "Honestly, your the most realist girl I ever met." ~ZachTodos los derechos reservados
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