I'm just a regular girl, well.. that's what I call myself. But who am I to talk? Im just a loner, that doesn't need to exist in this world.
While sitting myself to the Public Liberty that was close by to my house. I often read books, since I'm homeschooled, my mother teaches me what I would have to learn.
While reading books, epically romance books, it always seem like a fantasy. All this "Destiny" or "fated", seems so fake.
Yet, I ever so often dream, of having someone special of my own. Someone who enjoys being with me, someone who would care for me.
Someone...who would need me..
While reading my romance books, I stumbled upon a rather, similar experience to mine. A girl, whom is called a loner, to finally meet her prince and shining armor.
I sign, knowing that I won't have someone, beside, I was too much of a wimp. I can't deny that fact, but I just one day hope my dreams of having someone by my side. Maybe..even a loner like me, a dream can become reality.
Before I know it, I stumbled upon him. The boy who calls me by my name.
Contain bad language