hyiiiyyyyyyy!!! my stoopid dum fat ugly fugly faced moher namd me Rebekah- like form teh jesus textboook. but mi reel name is Buttherry. dont u dair call me reb or beka- or even rebekah- becus i am butter. And BTW this not a phase... Its not A pHASE..!.!. i hate my stupid birthhgiver and mi ugyl sitserr. anywoh,, im a furtry evry otter weeknd my fur suit is pangwan wearinf sxxxy lengurie n heels ugh so like im moving to this tupid nuw town but like maybe ther wil be mor furrries ther so whateevsss. the town is called hawkyns indinapplis. i forgto htat this is jst teh story descraptoin not mi lief stort... xxx soorry xxx lolzor anny wayz enjey mi storry !!! starrring will & Jonhatton bryerrs, mikke , luckass, dust pan, and Stove..All Rights Reserved